Mom Tips, Motivational Help

5 Ways To Boost Your Confidence

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As women, we are constantly battling the feelings of insignificance, importance and worth. There are so many things around us that put us down. Usually by the end of the day, we feel like nothing.

I have struggled with self-confidence and self-worth since I was a freshman in high school. It has taken me many years to find things make me feel confident. My hope is that some of these tips will help you on the road to self-confidence.

  1. SMILE. This might seem like nothing at all, but when you smile during the day, you become happier. If you are always sad and depressed, you will not have confidence. There are days that you don’t feel like smiling, but if you make yourself, you will find that you will become happier and your mood will lighten.
  2. Wear the style of clothes you love. This tip might sound a little bit weird, but hear me out. I absolutely LOVE vintage styles. Every time I voiced that I loved this style of clothing, people would call me “old fashioned.” For many years, I did not know who I was because I was told that who I was weird and old fashioned. My self-confidence plummeted. I finally found a website that made me feel like I could wear the clothes I love and still look stylish. Unique Vintage has wonderful clothes that fit my style and personality. Once I started wearing these clothes, I received so many compliments which also boosted my confidence.
  3. Get ready for the day. We all love our yoga pants and let’s be honest, we all need a day where we wear comfy clothes. If we fall into the habit of wearing yoga pants everyday, we start to feel ugly and lazy. I recently have fallen into the trap with the COVID closures. It is so easy to wear comfy clothes all day, but I found that I was becoming grumpy and short with my family. Once I started getting up, wearing cute clothes, doing my hair and doing my makeup; my mood and confidence improved immensely.
  4. Embrace the things that you love. This one fits into number two. I absolutely LOVE Disney and Harry Potter. For many years, people would laugh at me for being childish and immature. I finally realized that these are parts of me. Disney made it really easy for me to show that I love it, every time I go to one of the parks, I buy some jewelry that I can wear. It is subtle, but it makes me feel happy when I put on my Mickey Mouse ring.
  5. Stay away from social media. There are so many negative things found here. It is easy to look at other people and say, “They are so beautiful, they have everything…” I could go on and on. Most of these people on social media are posting only the great things in their lives. It is not a daily basis thing. If you stay away from social media, you will become happier with yourself.

These 5 tips might seem silly, but I have found when I focus on them, my confidence has gone up.