Mom Tips

You Are Super Mom!

It is so easy to look at other’s lives and think, “Wow, they have everything! Everything comes so easy for them! They have the perfect life! My life is just a mess compared to theirs.” I know that you have thought this at one time or another and the truth is… Everyone else’s lives aren’t perfect! We are all trying to get through every day. We have to seem ok on the outside, but on the inside, every one of us is screaming to just try and keep up.

I’m going to get real with you for a moment. My life is CRAZY! Hence the name of my blog “Busy Bee Mum.” I work full time as a 5th grade teacher, I am a mother to 3 children, I have responsibilities in my church that require me to be gone every Wednesday night, I go to school once a week, and I take my children to their activities.

When people talk to me they say, “I don’t know how you do it all! I would lose my mind!” The truth is, I do lose my mind, EVERYDAY!! At least on the inside. I come home after work and when homework is done, the house is straightened up, dinner is eaten and cleaned up, and the kids are in bed, I sink onto my own bed and think, “Holy crap! How did I do all that today?” And then the next day, I have to do it again.

I’ll tell you how I do it and how every one of you do it too… You are super mom! You have a hidden strength within you to dig down deep and keep going until the last possible second. When you feel like you can’t go on another second, you look into that dirty little face of your child and think, “I have to do it for them.” So you pull yourself up and keep going another 2 or 3 hours.

The definition of the word “Hero” states, “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” In my opinion, this definition could also be interchanged for “Mom”

It takes great courage to deal with the things that you do everyday. You are not only a mom, but a nurse, a psychologist, a maid, a chef, an entertainer and a motivator.

Have you ever stopped for a minute to think about what you actually accomplish everyday? Any other person that would try to do that would curl up in a ball and never come out again.

You are an AMAZING individual! Sure, sometimes we don’t look our best, in fact, we probably look like we’ve been hiding under rock and came out just for a minute. But, you are a hero to those in your family!!! Without you, your family would not be where they are!! So when you are laying on your bed at the end of the day and going over your day in your mind tell yourself, “I AM SUPERMOM!!”

KEEP GOING MAMMA!!! You can do this!!!