Motivational Help


Fear is a funny word. It’s very small, but it has the ability to hold us back, to leave us wondering for years, and to even leave us curled up while life passes us by. I like to think of fear as Forever Engulfed Around Reasons

There are many nights where we lay awake and wonderful ideas pop into our heads. Just me? Ok well there are many nights where I lay awake and all of a sudden a wonderful idea will pop into my head and I think, “Tomorrow I will accomplish this! This is a great idea! I can’t believe no one thought about this!” Then the next morning you wake up and all of a sudden there is a little voice inside your head that says, “That will never work. I can’t believe you even thought about that.” Throughout the rest of the day you try to push that great idea out of your head and eventually all of those great ideas never become realities.

I have done this so many times it’s not even funny. Last summer I went through a really hard time with providing for my family. I had all of these great ideas come to me one night and with those idease I was going to help my family financially. By the next morning I had talked myself out of every single idea. A year later our financial situation has improved, but I did not use any of those ideas. I still beat myself up so many times because I let fear eek it’s way into my mind.

How many times do we shut ourselves down before we even try? How many times do we let other people talk us out of things. Their reasoning is perfect, the bring out tons of great points, it’s a lot of money, that would take many years to succeed… blah blah blah.

However, what would happen if we didn’t listen to that little voice in our heads, or others around us? Where would we be if we took the world head on and didn’t let fear into our lives? I know I would be a lot farther along.

Kids are the perfect examples of facing the world head on. When a baby starts to walk they don’t sit on the ground and look at the pros and cons of walking. They start trying until they master it. If a toddler wants something, they persist until they get it. Let’s be honest, teenagers are reckless and don’t think before they act on anything haha.

Don’t be Forever Engulfed Around Reasons. Don’t be caught up in FEAR. If there are ideas that pop into your head and you think they are great, GO FOR IT! What is stopping you!? Face the world head on and push FEAR aside.