Accept Mistakes, Mom Tips, Motivational Help, Progress, Not Perfection, Tips, What Do You Love About Yourself?

Love Yourself A Little Bit More With This One Easy Tip

In our world, there are so many things that tell us how we should be. We should only have tiny legs, we should only have a 6 pack, we should only weigh _________, I could go on and on about what the world says we should look like.

Some days, I don’t even like looking in the mirror. When I was really struggling with anorexia, I remember looking in the mirror and all I could see was fat. I would pull and pinch my skin and say how chubby I was. The weight was coming off drastically, but all I could see was fat.

I felt, well Ugly!

How Do we Fix it?

I’m sure we all feel this way at one point or another. And it’s not just once, it’s multiple times! It could be just multiple times in one day! So how do we over come this?

One thing that has really helped me is to find one thing that I love about myself everyday. This morning, the one thing that I loved about myself was my eyes. I love that my eyes are blue just like my dad’s. Since I picked my eyes today, I wanted to make sure that they popped even more, so I picked some eyeshadow that makes my blue eyes stand out.

I always hate getting my picture taken. But the one thing I found that I love is my pose. I know I sound weird hahahaha, but if we find one thing that we like, even in our pictures, it’s easier to find that love for ourselves.

If we focus on one thing a day that we love about ourselves, we start to develop a true love for ourselves. It goes from, “I hate this about myself” to “Wow, I love that I have such pretty eyes!”

Pretty soon, instead of loving just one thing, we start to love multiple things about ourselves.

If you need more ideas on how to boost your confidence here are 5 Easy Ways that are affordable!

Here’s a list of things you can focus on each day:

  • Hair
  • The way you look in a certain outfit (wear that outfit)
  • Smile (wear a fun shade of lipstick to make it pop even more)
  • Eyes
  • Laugh
  • Friendliness

I also found this really great website on some more ideas on how to boost your confidence.