Accept Mistakes, Motivational Help, Progress, Not Perfection

You Could Fail, But What If You Don’t?

Tonight, my little girls had soccer games. My oldest, B, told me that she wanted to try out goalie. The coach put her in for second half and she was as happy as could be. Needless to say, she let about 4 goals in. She had never been a goalie before, so she was used to just using her feet, not her hands. As a mom, I was dying inside. I didn’t want her to fail and so I started trying to give her some advice. Of course, it was useless to try to help her while she was playing. As I sat there, I started thinking about things I could tell her to help her.

After the game, she came running up to me with the biggest smile. Her coach told her that she did a great job, and her friends gave her lots of high-fives. As I started giving her the advice I thought up, she looked at me and said,”Mom, I tried goalie and I think I’m going to stick to running and playing defense.”

Not once did she say anything about letting any goals in. The only thing that she focused on was the fact that she tried something new.

Is It Really Failure?

I started thinking about this sweet little girl and her mindset. She had let quite a few goals in, but was it a failure? NO!!! She had enough confidence in herself to try something brand new. She stuck it out the whole second half and then when it was over, she made the decision to stick with what she knew.

I was filled with so much admiration for my little B. Her confidence was radiating tonight.

But why can’t we all be like B right now? What is holding us back in trying something new? There is always that chance that we could fail. Is it ok to fail? ABSOLUTELY! We learn from our failures. Through our failures, we can find a new hobby, a new love, a new dislike. But most importantly, we find out who we are and our strengths and our weaknesses.

I want to give you all a challenge this week:

Do something that you could potentially fail at. It may be starting a new education route, trying that one Pinterest dessert that you’ve wanted to (I want to see pictures of it!), trying a new DIY project, signing up for that 5K… anything that you have wanted to do, but when you go to do it, you talk yourself out of it. Use my best advice ever to help yourself push through.

Once you have done it, comment and let me know how it went!!! Seeing others experiences and support can help us grow and improve. My most recent thing that I tried was making macarons. I was scared because I might fail, but they actually turned out ok!!!