Motivational Help, Progress, Not Perfection

A Piece of Advice that Will Help You Endure Anything!

When I was a senior in high school (2007), my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer. Glioblastoma to be more specific. As he started to go through treatments and biopsies, his health started to fade and his ability to speak deteriorated. Instead of saying, “They are doing it wrong,” it came out, “Wrong, they do wrong.” He knew what he wanted to say, but couldn’t get it out the right way.

He went from a super active dad, to barely being able to walk to the bathroom without some type of assistance. Simple things became almost impossible. By the time February of 2008 came, my dad passed away from his cancer. It was the hardest thing I ever had to go through. Some days, I didn’t feel like I would ever make it. However, one thing that he said gave me the strength to get through it.

A Moment of Strength

One day, while my dad was in the hospital, he was doing a physical therapy session. He was having a really hard time completing the tasks that were being asked of him. He kept stumbling and falling and couldn’t process what they were asking him to do.

After struggling for a while, he fell on the ground. All of the physical therapists ran up to him and told him that he needed to rest and that they would take him back to his room. He looked at him with his piercing blue eyes and said, “No! I just need to grab another gear!” He then proceeded to stand up and complete the rest of his physical therapy session.

Since that day, I have taken this advice to heart. “Grab another gear!” This advice has pushed me through some of the hardest things I have ever had to do, including watching my dad pass away.

No matter how hard something gets in my life, I tell myself, “Jess, grab another gear!” Then I grit my teeth, dig in deeper and finish whatever I need to do. I have to remind myself that if my dad could pick himself off the floor and keep moving forward, then I can too.

I have done this with countless things, finishing a triathlon, having a baby, my first year teaching, and just getting through the day! Life is hard, but we need to focus on the simple. We need to find that drive within us to push through. “Grab another gear,” and finish the task that you need to. Dig in deep, YOU CAN DO IT!

It is easy to talk yourself out of things, and let fear take over. Don’t let that happen to you! Grab another gear!

Make it Stick

In order to have a great reminder to Dig in deep, I’m making a sign.

2 thoughts on “A Piece of Advice that Will Help You Endure Anything!

  1. Well, this explains your earnestness in persevering through tough circumstances. Jess, you always amaze me.

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